News from Citizen TribuneFollowNews from Citizen TribuneStay current with all the latest and breaking news from Citizen Tribune. Compare headlines and media bias behind news outlets on stories breaking today.We’ve aggregated 2 of Citizen Tribune’s headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. The Ground News media bias check for Citizen Tribune is center. Scores are assigned by aggregating bias scores from Ad Fontes Media, Media Bias/Fact Check, and All Sides. We’ve assigned a rating of unknown factuality to Citizen Tribune. You can read more about how we’ve determined Citizen Tribune’s credibility and reliability as a news source here: Stay current with all the latest and breaking news from Citizen Tribune. Compare headlines and media bias behind news outlets on stories breaking today. We’ve aggregated 2 of Citizen Tribune’s headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. The Ground News media bias check for Citizen Tribune is center. Scores are assigned by aggregating bias scores from Ad Fontes Media, Media Bias/Fact Check, and All Sides. We’ve assigned a rating of unknown factuality to Citizen Tribune. You can read more about how we’ve determined Citizen Tribune’s credibility and reliability as a news source here: Information about Citizen TribuneWhere is Citizen Tribune located?Citizen Tribune's WebsiteMedia Bias RatingsAverage Bias Rating:CenterCenterbyAll SidesDo you diasgree? Edit biasLearn more about Media Bias Ratings.FactualityAverage Factuality Rating: UnknownLearn more about Factuality Ratings.Top Citizen Tribune NewsAthens, Tennessee · AthensMurder warrant issued for Claiborne woman100% Center coverage: 1 sourcesThe Claiborne County Sheriffs Office Criminal Investigations Division has issued an arrest warrant for 48 year old Johnna Lynn Miracle - also known as Johnna Lynn Janis or Jlynn - of Harrogate for Attempted First Degree Murder.See the StoryAthens, Tennessee · AthensCocke County man in violation of sex registry100% Center coverage: 1 sourcesA Cocke County man convicted of taking indecent liberties with children in 2001 was found Thursday to be in violation of the sexual offender registry after failing to report his whereabouts by March 5.See the StoryLatest News StoriesMore stories