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Madrid, Spain · MadridMADRID Brazilski napadač Rodrygo, prvak Europe i Španjolske prošle sezone s Real Madridom, rekao je da je “uzrujan” što se nije pojavio na popisu 30 nominiranih za Zlatnu loptu, u intervjuu objavljenom u ponedjeljak na web stranici Globoesporte.
– Bio sam uznemiren. Mislim da sam, s obzirom na svoju sezonu, zaslužio biti dio popisa od 30 nominiranih. Ostali nisu bili nedostojni, svi koji su na popisu su dobro odradili posao. Ali mislim da sam …See the Story
Napadač Real Madrida "uzrujan" jer nije na popisu nominiranih za Zlatnu loptu
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Dubrovnik · DubrovnikEliminating the consequences of the storm and heavy rain in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, on Monday firefighters had about 40 interventions to pump out water from facilities in the area of: Dubrovnik, Konavalo, Ploče, Metković and Orebić, announced the Directorate of Civil Protection.
The County Center 112 Dubrovnik also received five reports about landslides and about 10 related to landslides, it was announced on the Facebook page of the Dire…See the Story
A child fell into a shaft in flooded Dubrovnik: "His head was under water"
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Rijeka · RijekaRIJEKA — 28,529 students started the path of primary and secondary schools in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and at a regular meeting with journalists, the Deputy Mayor of Primorje-Gorski Kotar Marina Medarić wished them a successful new school year. She specifically looked at first-graders, of whom there are 2,203 in the entire county this year, two more than last year. Speaking about the total number of students in the area of Primorje-Gorski K…See the Story
In PGZ, there are more high school students, but less elementary school students. The design of the new “Villa Velebita” has been completed
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Croatia · CroatiaPoduzetnica i supruga hrvatskog nogometnog reprezentativca Matea Kovačića, Izabel Kovačić, na svojim društvenim mrežama rijetko objavljuje fotografije iz privatnog života, s obzirom na to da se više fokusira na posao i građenje brenda. Ipak, ovaj je put razveselila pratitelje podijelivši fotografiju sa sinčićem Ivanom. Na fotografiji se također jasno vidio sada već poveliki trudnički trbuh.
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Izabel Kovačić pozirala sa sinom i pokazala trudnički trbuh
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Kraljevica · KraljevicaKRALJEVICA - On-site painting "Ex tempore - Lanterna wakes up" gathered 65 participants in its third edition in the Nova Kraljevica Castle in Franconia. Pictures were taken on the theme of fishing and shipbuilding, since this year marks the 295th year of shipbuilding in Kraljevica and the recent opening of the Small Museum of Fishing and Shipbuilding. Painters competed in several categories, children in two - from 1st to 4th grade of elementary …See the Story
Ex tempore in Kraljevica, the list of all awarded artists was published
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Jelenje · JelenjeJELENJE — On the first day of the new school year, 40 first-graders were solemnly welcomed in the elementary school Jelenje-Dražice. The children were distributed in two class divisions, and the first-graders, with a welcome event, accompanied by their parents, had the opportunity to meet their teachers, school and new friends with whom they would begin their primary education. The ceremony was opened by the director of the school Dejana Paškvan…See the Story
40 first-graders started at Jelenje-Dražice Elementary School
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Banke u Hrvatskoj nastavljaju zgrtati rekordne dobiti. Samo u prvih pola godine su zaradile 800 milijuna eura
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
Norfolk, England · NorfolkKate, britanska princeza od Walesa, objavila je u ponedjeljak da je završila preventivnu kemoterapiju protiv raka i najavila da će kasnije u ovoj godini imati nekoliko javnih angažmana, premda će put do potpunog oporavka biti dug.
Kate (42), supruga prestolonasljednika princa Williama, u siječnju je bila podvrgnuta velikoj operaciji abdomena koja je otkrila prisutnost raka, a otad je na liječenju. “Kako se ljeto bliži kraju, ne mogu vam reći k…See the Story
Princeza Kate završila kemoterapiju: "Budimo zahvalni za jednostavne stvari u životu"
100% Center coverage: 1 sources