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Jason Sudeikis confirms 'Ted Lasso' Season 4

  • After two years of sparse details and swirling rumors, 'Ted Lasso' season 4 is officially in the works and will air on Apple TV+.
  • Sudeikis's return as both the star and head writer of the show was paramount to the show's continuation.
  • Jason Sudeikis confirmed he will be back at the helm as Ted Lasso, coaching a women's team in the upcoming season.
  • Nick Mohammed, who plays Nathan Shelley, stated that all of the cast members have been chatting about a possible fourth season.
  • Partners of Jason Sudeikis have expressed that they are willing to support whatever decision he makes regarding the show's future.
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MacRumors broke the news in United States on Friday, March 14, 2025.
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