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Donald Trump · United StatesDonald Trump's campaign has requested the use of military aircraft and vehicles to protect the former president as he campaigns during the final weeks of the presidential campaign, the New York Times and Washington Post reported on Friday.See the Story
Trump asks for military aircraft protection amid Iran threat, reports say
41% Right coverage: 71 sources
Donald Trump · Israel(End of the American Dream)—I have no idea why this isn’t getting more attention. Israeli tanks are literally rolling into southern Lebanon right now. When you send tanks in, you aren’t just conducting “localized raids”. A lot of people don’t seem to understand that this is it. The IDF has initiated a ground operation in southern Lebanon, and according to Hezbollah this means that there will be all-out war. In other words, we just crossed t…See the Story
Israeli Tanks Start to Roll Into Southern Lebanon Just After Donald Trump Issues an Ominous Warning About World War III
100% Right coverage: 3 sources
Donald Trump · IsraelHi there, I just finished reading your post, and I have to say it’s really insightful! You’ve covered some key points that many people often overlook. I especially appreciated the way you explainedthis article. It’s something I can definitely relate to and I think it will benefit a lot of readers. I also wanted to add that I’ve been exploring a similar topic over at my website, where I discuss [mention something relevant to the post but related …See the Story
Progress Update: Israeli Tanks Roll into Southern Lebanon following Trump’s Ominous Warning About World War III
100% Right coverage: 1 sources
Donald Trump · United StatesCBS News reportedly ordered its staff not to say Israel's capital city of Jerusalem is in Israel. The Free Press reported Wednesday that Mark Memmott, CBS News' senior director of standards and practices, had emailed all employees in late August telling them to "be careful with some terms when we talk or write about the news" regarding the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. See the Story
CBS News staff told not to refer to Jerusalem as being in Israel: The Free Press report
92% Right coverage: 12 sources
Donald Trump · United StatesThe Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University study found that approximately 104 million people under the "people of faith" umbrella are not expected to vote this election, including 41 million Christians and 32 million of whom regularly go to church.
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Millions of Christians not planning to vote this November, could shape election: Study
67% Right coverage: 12 sources
Donald Trump · United StatesAmerican financier and Kremlin critic Bill Browder joined MSNBC for a Sunday appearance to discuss the global threat of a second term for former President Trump, highlighting the possibility that he could withdraw from the NATO alliance.
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Kremlin critic says Trump, Putin relationship a ‘terrifying moment for the whole world’
100% Center coverage: 2 sources