News from WCNCFollowNews from WCNCSee all of WCNC’s headline news. Compare how the top news stories are covered by left-wing and right-wing news sources.We’ve aggregated 146 of WCNC’s headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. We’ve assigned a media bias rating of center to WCNC. You can read more about our methodology here. WCNC’s factuality rating is high. Ground News calculates this rating using a combination of the fact and reliability ratings from Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact Check.Follow See all of WCNC’s headline news. Compare how the top news stories are covered by left-wing and right-wing news sources. We’ve aggregated 146 of WCNC’s headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. We’ve assigned a media bias rating of center to WCNC. You can read more about our methodology here. WCNC’s factuality rating is high. Ground News calculates this rating using a combination of the fact and reliability ratings from Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact Check. Information about WCNCWhere is WCNC located?WCNC's WebsiteWCNC's TwitterWCNC's WikipediaMedia Bias RatingsAverage Bias Rating:CenterCenterbyMedia Bias/Fact CheckDo you diasgree? Edit biasLearn more about Media Bias Ratings.FactualityAverage Factuality Rating: HighHighbyMedia Bias/Fact CheckLearn more about Factuality Ratings.OwnershipMedia Conglomerate: Tegna Inc.Learn more about Ownership categories.Top WCNC NewsJoe Biden · North CarolinaSupplies rushed to communities isolated by Helene as death toll rises to nearly 10060% Center coverage: 136 sourcesNorth Carolina officials pledged to get more water and other supplies to flood-stricken areas by Monday after Hurricane Helene left a trail of destruction across the U.S. Southeast and the death toll from the storm rose to nearly 100. See the StoryFloods · Lake LureNorth Carolina floods: Failure of Lake Lure Dam is imminent, officials say58% Center coverage: 19 sourcesAs Helene weakens, the now-tropical storm's strong winds and heavy rain continue to wreak havoc across the Southeast U.S., including in North Carolina where at least one county has ordered evacuations. See the StoryHurricanesIRS announces tax relief for Hurricane Helene victims in Tennessee71% Center coverage: 14 sourcesThe IRS announced Wednesday that tax relief would be available for individuals and businesses in several parts of Tennessee affected by Hurricane Helene.See the StoryLatest News StoriesTopics Most Covered by WCNCSportsOlympicsParis OlympicsUS PoliticsFloodsSportsOlympicsParis OlympicsSources Covering Similar TopicsWCCB CharlotteQueen City Newsabc NewsAssociated Press NewsWXIIWCCB CharlotteQueen City Newsabc NewsSuggest a sourceLooking for a source we don't already have? Suggest one here.You've scrolled to the bottom of the feed, there are no more stories.Breaking News Topics Related to WCNCNorth CarolinaCharlotte, North CarolinaMecklenburg County, North CarolinaUnited StatesSouth CarolinaSports