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Fairfax, Virginia · FairfaxBy Alan Etter Click here for updates on this story Virginia (WTOP News) — Spring has sprung, and as temperatures warm up, this is the time of year when we may see more baby deer, foxes, rabbits and birds moving about. But local animal control authorities are warning: Don’t touch them. Fairfax County’s Wildlife Management Office said in a release that around this time, they see a spike in calls reporting seeing young wildlife that appear orph…See the Story
Why ‘rescuing’ a baby animal does more harm than good
100% Center coverage: 1 sources
FBI · YoakumOn March 21, the Valley County Sheriff’s Office in partnership with local FBI agents conducted an illicit drug interdiction operation stemming from intelligence received over the course of a year long investigation. The result ended with a traffic stop south of Glasgow, where two occupants in a pickup were arrested. A search of the pickup, approved by search warrant, revealed over one pound of Met...See the Story
Two Arrested In Glasgow For Illicit Drugs
Cats · GlasgowI was able to sit outside on our front deck this past Sunday, enjoying the sunshine and trying to entice the feral cat closer. I did have to move my chair closer to the house to avoid the wind, but the warmth of the sun was lovely. The cat had been missing for a couple of weeks. It reappeared during the night, visiting said deck three times during the night, according to Dennis, who checks the...See the Story
Maybe Spring Is Arriving
Glasgow, Montana · GlasgowThe Glasgow Wrestling Club turned in another fantastic performance at the State AAU Tournament over the weekend, March 21 - 23, at the Billings Metra. This year's tournament broke a participation record for the fourth consecutive year as 1,721 wrestlers descended on the Magic City for a chance at a State Championship. Glasgow was the third largest team in attendance; bringing a club record...See the Story
Highlanders Crown 10 Champions at State AAU; Girls WIN Team Title!
Greg Gianforte · GlasgowGovernor Greg Gianforte announced on March 17 the unemployment rate has fallen to 2.8 percent, the lowest unemployment rate since September 2023, continuing the record of 43 consecutive months of unemployment at or below 3.4 percent. “Montanans are working, wages are growing, and our economy remains strong and resilient,” Governor Gianforte said. “With the support of our partners in the Legislatur...See the Story
Governor Gianforte Announces Lowest Unemployment Since 2023
Glasgow, Montana · GlasgowThe Glasgow School Board met in regular session the evening of March 19. Action items from the board meeting. The school board approved the March 4 school bond election results. Glasgow School District voters approved a $2.9 million bond issue to pay for improvements to school infrastructure. The board approved the bond resolution which will allow the district to sell $2.9 million in bonds to...See the Story
Glasgow School Board Action Items From Board Meeting March 19
Glasgow, Montana · GlasgowA complaint for injunctive relief was filed with the Valley County Courthouse on March 3 requesting the preclusion of Valley County Clerk and Recorder Marie Pippin from conducting a recall election based on the petitions to recall Krystal Dickerson or Carl Millerick from the North Valley County Sewer and Water District board. Both Dickerson and Millerick are current members of the board of...See the Story
Court Will Determine If North Valley County Sewer And Water District Recall Will Move Forward
Glasgow, Montana · GlasgowThe Valley County Comprehensive Child Find Screening will be held on Tuesday, April 1, and Wednesday, April 2, at the First Lutheran Church in Glasgow, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. This is screening is for all children from birth to school entry age. The purpose of this screening is to find children who may need special help and to help facilitate Irle School kindergarten...See the Story