News from Sampson IndependentClinton, United StatesFollowNews from Sampson IndependentClinton, United StatesSee all of Sampson Independent’s headline news. Compare how the top news stories are covered by left-wing and right-wing news sources.We’ve discovered 242 headlines written by Sampson Independent during the past 3 months. The Ground News media bias check for Sampson Independent is unknown. Scores are assigned by aggregating bias scores from Ad Fontes Media, Media Bias/Fact Check, and All Sides. Is Sampson Independent credible or reliable? Our Factuality score answers both of those questions. When it comes to Sampson Independent, we’ve assigned a unknown factuality rating. Ratings are assigned by aggregating scores from Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact Check.Follow See all of Sampson Independent’s headline news. Compare how the top news stories are covered by left-wing and right-wing news sources. We’ve discovered 242 headlines written by Sampson Independent during the past 3 months. The Ground News media bias check for Sampson Independent is unknown. Scores are assigned by aggregating bias scores from Ad Fontes Media, Media Bias/Fact Check, and All Sides. Is Sampson Independent credible or reliable? Our Factuality score answers both of those questions. When it comes to Sampson Independent, we’ve assigned a unknown factuality rating. Ratings are assigned by aggregating scores from Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact Check. Information about Sampson IndependentWhere is Sampson Independent located?Clinton, United StatesSampson Independent's WebsiteMedia Bias RatingsDo you diasgree? Edit biasLearn more about Media Bias Ratings.FactualityAverage Factuality Rating: UnknownLearn more about Factuality Ratings.Top Sampson Independent NewsPete Rose was snubbedAfter last week’s rebuttal to Mel Kiper, Jr. and his horrendous take on defense, Pete Rose’s death served me up another hotly-contested topic to write about: why he was snubbed from the Hall of Fame. This is a true ‘separate the art from the artist’ scenario — I do not condone any of his off-the-field behavior. He was a far better — or bettor, for a good pun’s sake — baseball player than he was… SourceSee the StoryClinton · ClintonClinton woman dies in wreckA 77-year-old Clinton woman died in a single vehicle accident Tuesday afternoon after her vehicle ran off the road and submerged in a creek. North Carolina Highway Patrol reports confirm that Donna Jean Pearce, 57 Little Place Lane, Clinton was traveling west on U.S. 421 near Martha Lane around 2 p.m. Tuesday when the 2007 Ford SUV she was driving ran off the road to the left… SourceSee the StorySampson County · Sampson CountySheriff’s officers answer the call(Editor’s note: See a story later on officers’ experiences in the mountains) The call went out Friday night from the N.C. Sheriff’s Association that manpower was needed in western North Carolina and, to a person, Sampson law enforcement were ready and willing to meet the need. On Sunday morning, the first six of a continuing crew of Sampson County Sheriff’s Office staff packed up gear… SourceSee the StoryLatest News StoriesTopics Most Covered by Sampson IndependentSportsVolleyballRaidersSoccerPropertySportsVolleyballRaidersSources Covering Similar TopicsDaily Gate Gate CityRobesonianbloomberght.comSuggest a sourceLooking for a source we don't already have? Suggest one here.You've scrolled to the bottom of the feed, there are no more stories.Breaking News Topics Related to Sampson IndependentNewton GroveNorth CarolinaSoccerRaidersRoseboroClintonSampson CountySportsVolleyballUnited States