Why You Can Trust Ground News

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The U.S. political machine and media are in full election mode ahead of the 2024 presidential race: Competing narratives; candidate spin; and a shrill, partisan, back and forth.

No news source is better positioned to balance the rhetoric, calm the seas and help you make sense of the competing election news coverage than Ground News.

What it does do is put you in control, with the clearest, most comprehensive picture of every issue, equipping you to make the smart, informed, election choice.

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With its suite of unique tools, Ground News identifies story bias, surfaces viewpoints from the entirety of the political landscape, and puts the power of awareness in your hands.

Ground doesn’t choose sides. It doesn’t attempt to sway. It doesn’t use algorithms to feed you what you want to hear. What it does do is put you in control, with the clearest, most comprehensive picture of every issue, equipping you to make the smart, informed, election choice. You can learn more about Ground News and why we built it here.

Showing you every side, so you can decide

Make a well-informed choice this November. Subscribe to Ground News to see the news, the world, and yourself a little clearer.

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