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What our subscribers are saying.
Amy October 5, 2022
By far my favorite news app. It feeds you even more articles than the others do, just organized in a way that keeps things from getting overwhelming. The blind spot feature is really useful for finding the stories that slip through the cracks. On top of all of that, they are really dedicated to having great customer service. Really the best news app out there, well worth the 5/5 I gave it.
Travis Aug 5, 2022
I'm a news junkie, I have more news apps on my phone than I do games, this one honestly beats them all. It reports all the news sources and shows you how left or right or center any of them are, plus you can read the same article from multiple sources and see how they all tell the same story differently. Please check them out and give them a try!!!
Hanna Botosh 1 Feb, 2023
Ground News has made following the news more approachable, affordable, and engaging. I used to be comfortable in my bubble, only reading stories from local sources that I trusted. Thanks to the unparalleled user experience of Ground News, I am proud to say that I’ve “burst my bubble.

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