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81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage.![](
81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage.
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01Uncover media biasSee the bias behind every story. See the difference in media coverage.
02Access news from over 50,000 SourcesNever miss a story with Ground News. The world's largest news aggregator.
03Discover Stories you aren’t being shown.Ground News shows you all the news, regardless of political bias. See what the other side sees.
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News from every source, in one place.As news breaks, get access to every related article in one place. Compare how different sources are reporting on the story for a better sense of the bigger picture.
Uncover Media BiasFind out which media outlets are reporting on a story and how much of the coverage is coming from the left, center and right. Our bias ratings are calculated using a variety of independent news monitoring organizations.
Take control of what you readSee all the available information up front. Make informed decisions on what you read
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whole pictureGet the whole pictureUsing three third party organizations; All Sides, Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact Check, we show you the bias of each publisher at the source.
whole pictureGet the whole pictureUsing three third party organizations; All Sides, Ad Fontes Media and Media Bias/Fact Check, we show you the bias of each publisher at the source.
FactualityHow reliable are the reporting practices of the news outlets covering a story? This score takes into account the credibility of sources used, the speed at which corrections are made, and whether the language retains context.
OwnershipWho owns the news you read? We researched, analyzed and hand-coded ownership data for 2,276 news outlets and counting.
My BiasWhat is the political bias of a news outlet? This score takes into account wording, story choices and political affiliation.![](
Track your habits.Watch as your reading habits change over time with My News Bias. Get an overview of what you’re reading, where it comes from, and what you may be missing.![](
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