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Discover the Profiles

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The East Coast Urbanite

The east coast urbanite is likely to work in a more traditional office with multinational corporations. East coast urbanites are typically liberal, but lean more towards the center compared. They are more pragmatic and less idealistic, and typically read news from mainstream sources.

The West Coast Innovator

The West Coast Innovator is defined by anything but the status quo, be it in politics or at the workplace. West Coast innovators are predominantly liberal, secular and are more ideological than most establishment democrats. They do read mainstream sources, but also frequent left wing sources.

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The Mid-Western Everyman

The mid-western everyman is more likely to live in a smaller town and work in a blue collar profession. The average Midwesterner leans to the right and the region is home to many swing states. The everyman reads a healthy balance of mainstream sources and local publications.

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The Southern Patriot

The Southern Patriot is typically very politically involved, religious and militaristic. Living in a republican stronghold, the Southern Patriot reads publications that lean further right than their midwest counterparts. Some segments of the population read right leaning mainstream sources, while others opt for independent sources.

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The Global Moderate

The Global Moderate’s political beliefs are adaptive. They are not politically agnostic, but rather reject extreme and radical views. Not to be confused with the global traditionalist, the moderate’s political beliefs lay somewhere between lean left and lean right.

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The Global Traditionalist

The Global traditionalist typically supports more protectionist policies and is concerned with keeping their countries traditions and culture unchanged. The traditionalist can be found on the right side of the political spectrum, but their distance from the center depends on the political landscape of their home country.

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The Global Progressive

The global progressive knows that pervasive societal issues have no border, and that one country's problem often becomes the world's problem. The proggesive’s politcal ideology lies left of center. They keep abreast of international news and read mainstream sources and also opinionated, smaller sources.

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The Culturally Curious

The culturally curious see themselves as a citizen of the world. The only constant in their life is change, and they strive to keep abreast of news from every corner of the earth. Not defined by any political ideology, they are likely to read news from mainstream sources that have dedicated international news.

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The creation of these profiles was informed by Pew research data on political ideology by region. News sources and interests are reflective of news consumption habits and the cultural landscape of the primary demographic in each region.